
Uw zoekacties: Beth, prof. dr. E.W., te Amsterdam

423 Beth, prof. dr. E.W., te Amsterdam

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1. Biographical note
2. History, scope and contents of the Evert Willem Beth Papers
2.1. History of the Evert Willem Beth Papers
2.2. Scope of the Evert Willem Beth Papers
2.3. Contents of the Evert Willem Beth Papers
423 Beth, prof. dr. E.W., te Amsterdam
2. History, scope and contents of the Evert Willem Beth Papers
Contents of the Evert Willem Beth Papers
The Beth Papers consist of series of general correspondence, series of correspondence with specific institutions and specific categories of people, case files, loose documents and collected documents.
Two parallel series of general correspondence can be distinguished. Both were kept in loose-leaf notebooks. One was probably set up for short-term correspondences (c. 700 correspondents), the other for exchanges which were expected to run over a longer period (30 correspondents). As far as the contents of the series are concerned, both show a mixture of scientific and professional letters. The short-term correspondence was originally set up strictly alphabetically. However, after 1957, following an interruption of the series caused by an 8-month stay in the United States, Beth started a new alphabet each year. The long-term series was arranged alphabetically.
As a record-keeper Beth was apparently not satisfied by strictly alphabetical/chronological arrangements of documents. Although the correspondence-series were set up this way, they have frequently been interrupted by 'correspondent-subject filing', meaning the occurrence of small files in which the correspondent becomes the subject of correspondence with another person.
In addition to the two main series of correspondence, Beth kept a number of smaller series of correspondence with specific groups of people, such as publishers, students and promovendi.
On the other hand Beth compiled files relating to certain subjects, activities or functions. An extensive group of files and documents relates to Beth's scholarly output, meaning his publications, lectures and some unpublished articles and undelivered lectures. Usually one or several manuscripts were kept by Beth, sometimes filed with a draft, correspondence or other documents. Beth kept the documents and files relating to the different categories of publications separate. He made a distinction between books, encyclopedia contributions, scientific articles, reviews and newspaper articles. Documents relating to unpublished articles and undelivered lectures were also kept separate.
The majority of the other files contain mostly letters. Here Beth also applied much 'correspondent-subject filing'. Another, related, method of arrangement frequently used in these case files was 'filing by connection'. Through this method a file set up, for instance, around one function swelled into a multi-subject file because this function entailed several others. Beth apparently wanted to see these real-life connections reflected in his record-keeping and therefore filed the documents generated by these new functions with the ones relating to the original function.
Beth also collected the work of fellow logicians and mathematicians. Often this work was sent to him in the form of typescripts or reprints. Sometimes the work of one person, or articles relating to the same subject were bound together in a binder. Most of these documents were found loose.
3. Arrangement and description
4. Directions for the user of this inventory
5. Bibliography


Omvang in meters:
Periode documenten:
1920-1964 (1980)
gedeeltelijk openbaar
Opheffing openbaarheidsbeperking:
toestemming directeur
Haarlem, Jansstraat, raadpleging mogelijk na transport
Engelstalige inventaris inv.nrs. 1-912. Inzage wordt slechts verleend nadat de verzoeker schriftelijk heeft verklaard bekend te zijn met het feit dat de auteursrechten en de intellectuele eigendom met betrekking tot dit archief berusten bij de Evert Willem Beth Stichting. Inv.nrs. 171, 177 en 215 zijn pas openbaar vanaf 2051. Prof. dr. E.W. Beth (1908-1964) was filosoof, logicus, wiskundige en hoogleraar aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam.